Posts tagged stress management
Explore the Many Health Benefits of Tai Chi Practice
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonHPM, tai chi, Tai Chi for Health, stress reduction, stress management, stress relief, tool for stress reduction, free exercise classes, fitness, mindsulness
Healthy Acadia to Host Free Virtual Mindfulness Workshop, “Reading Our Buddha Body,” on March 6
The Power of Self-Compassion: How Being Kind to Yourself Can Change Your Life
Practicing Self-Compassion
Healthy Acadia to Host Free Virtual "3 Body Qigong for Health and Healing" Workshop on December 5
Building Holiday Resilience: Tips for Staying Grounded and Stress-Free This Season
Free Workshop will Explore the Mutual Benefits of Tapping into Our Connection with Nature
Experience the Transformative Health Benefits of Tai Chi with Healthy Acadia
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonHPM, tai chi, Tai Chi for Health, stress reduction, stress management, stress relief, tool for stress reduction, free exercise classes, fitness, mindsulness
Meditation with Sound and Music: Free Virtual Workshop
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsonmonthly mindfulness, meditation with sound and music, HA, HPM, stress management, stress reduction, tools for stress management, relaxation, healing, SB, SPR
Explore Simple Ways to Find Inner Peace in a Chaotic World
PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonHPM, HA, SB, SPR, BN, mindfulness, monthly mindfulness, stress management, stress reduction, free classes, wellness, well-being, anxiety
Healthy Acadia Promotes Wellness Through Free Tai Chi for Health Classes
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsontai chi, tai chi for health, HPM, HA, SPR, SB, fall prevention, stress management, exercise, pain relief, pain relief exercises, pain management, improved balance, flexibility, low impact exercise
Explore Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Improved Well-Being
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsonmonthly mindfulness, mindful self-compassion, mindfulness, self-compassion, self help, self-love, stress reduction, stress management, stress, stress relief
Managing Stress with Vagal Nerve Exercises
POSTTracey CarlsonHPM, HA, SB, SPR, stress relief, stress reduction, stress, stress management, reduce stress, harm reduction, vagal nerve, breathing, humming, nervous system
Coming Together in Solidarity and Support During this Tragic Time
POSTTracey CarlsonLewiston tragedy, crisis, mental health, mental health crisis, trauma, traumatic events, stress, stress management, crisis lines, 988, support during crisis, gun violence, HA, CE, SPR, SB, HFFA, HPM, ACE, AHE
Free Workshop Will Explore Tools for Building Empathy Through Mindfulness Practice
PRESS RELEASETracey Carlsonmindfulness, monthly mindfulness, empathy, self-care, self-love, compassion, selt-soothe, build empathy, stress reduction, stress management, HA, SB, AHE, HPM, SPR