Explore Simple Ways to Find Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

For Immediate Release Please

July 31, 2024

Program Contact: Ursula Hanson, ursula@healthyacadia.org

Media Contact: Tracey Carlson, tracey@healthyacadia.org or (207) 667-7171 Ext. 112 

Explore Simple Ways to Find Inner Peace in a Chaotic World

Community members are invited to join Healthy Acadia on Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., via Zoom for, "Embodying Peace, Coming Home," with special guest Satya Kaur Khalsa. The free online event is the latest installment in Healthy Acadia’s Monthly Mindfulness series.

“As our world spins faster and more wildly, it is easy to become tangled in the intensity. We can feel depleted and overwhelmed, and we lose sight of what is really important. Let's turn it around now, as we welcome simplicity and clarity, so we can be with the pressure in new ways, relax fully, listen and hear the song of our hearts. It feels like a very long way, and we are all coming home.

This class will not require your brain at all, only the willingness to show up and allow your internal navigation tools to be reset for peace. A comfortable resting area is recommended, and pajamas are optional and welcome.”  

Pre-registration is required for this free event. To register and receive the Zoom link, go to bit.ly/mindful-9524.

Satya Kaur Khalsa is an informational healthcare practitioner supporting self-healing, with experience in yogic and Ayurvedic teachings. “I live off-grid and out-of-the-box with two magical cats and 127 gray whales.”

For additional information about this and future mindfulness events in the series or additional programs focused on building skills that promote mindful living, contact Ursula Hanson at ursula@healthyacadia.org.

Subscribe to Healthy Acadia’s e-newsletter to stay updated and register for these free events, or visit healthyacadia.org/hpm-mindfulness-for-health.

Healthy Acadia is a 501(C)(3) community health organization dedicated to building vibrant communities and making it easier for everyone to lead healthy lives. They serve Washington and Hancock counties and provide additional community health support and leadership across Maine. For more information about Healthy Acadia’s community health initiatives, visit healthyacadia.org.
