Healthy Acadia Announces Fourth Year of Mini-Grant Opportunities for Community Partners to Expand Youth Substance Use Prevention Initiatives PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonNovember 18, 2022SPR, SB, PFS, Partnerships for Success
Anonymous Rx disposal now available at Blue Hill Hospital, Ellsworth Hannaford Tracey CarlsonNovember 18, 2022
Welcome to the Board, Jacques H. Newell Taylor Please join us in welcoming Jacques H. Newell Taylor to Healthy Acadia’s Board of Directors. Read More POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 15, 2022CE, SPR, SB, HA, HFFA, HPE, AHE
COVID-19 News and Updates POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 14, 2022SPR, SB, HA, HFFA, HPE, AHE, covid-19, COVID
Grounding Yourself Through Writing, Free Workshop with Penny Guisinger PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonNovember 7, 2022CE, SPR, SB, HA, HPM, AHE, mindfulness, monthly mindfulness
Retailers: Coffee break learning session will explore preventing underage tobacco sales POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 6, 2022CE, SPR, SB, AHE, prevent underage tobacco sales, tobacco retailers, No Buts!, Tobacco 21
Join Us November 28 for a Virtual Premiere of Together: Community Health Champions POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 5, 2022Schoodic InstituteHA, SB, HFFA, CE, SPR, AHE, HPM, Together: Community Health Champions, health champions, film, film premiere
Should You be Screened for Lung Cancer? POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 4, 2022CE, HPM, HA, SPR, cancer, cancer patient navigation, lung, lung cancer
COVID-19 News and Updates POSTTracey CarlsonNovember 1, 2022SPR, SB, HA, HFFA, HPE, AHE, covid-19, COVID
Special Invitation: Together: Community Health Champions Film Premiere POSTTracey CarlsonOctober 31, 2022Schoodic InstituteHA, SB, HFFA, CE, SPR, AHE, HPM, Together: Community Health Champions, health champions, film, film premiere
Communities Partners Saving Lives POSTTracey CarlsonOctober 30, 2022SPR, narcan, naloxone, bar harbor fire department, college of the atlantic, opioid overdose, harm reduction, overdose reversal
Healthy Acadia is Offering in Person and Virtual Tai Chi Courses This Fall PRESS RELEASETracey CarlsonOctober 24, 2022CE, SPR, SB, HA, HPM, AHE, tai chi
Proper medication disposal helps keep communities safe POSTTracey CarlsonOctober 23, 2022CE, SPR, HPM, AHE, Rx take back day, prescription drug take back, safe medication disposal, rx disposal, drop box
Retailers: Coffee break learning session will explore preventing underage tobacco sales POSTTracey CarlsonOctober 21, 2022CE, SPR, SB, AHE, prevent underage tobacco sales, tobacco retailers, No Buts!, Tobacco 21