Healthy Acadia to offer “Joy in Mindfulness and Movement” with special guest Judith Hanscom
Shannon: The Healthy Snack Lady
Welcome, Maria Sweetland
Temporary Overnight Warming Center Opens in Ellsworth
Welcome, Sean Fusco
Temporary Warming Center Opens in Ellsworth
Temporary Overnight Warming Center Opens in Ellsworth
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month
Town Council considers flavored tobacco ban
Welcome, Camisha Norris
COVID-19 News and Updates
MDI Marathon donates $17K to area nonprofits
Just One More Week Until the 2023 WinterKids Winter Games
Maine Recovery Core Internship Opportunities
We Wish You Joy and Gratitude in the New Year
Machias Memorial High School Joins Underage Drinking Prevention Campaign
$270,000 to support community garden at the Wash. Co. Jail secured by Sen. Collins
MEDIA COVERAGETracey CarlsonHFFA, community garden, food access, food security, food sustainability, food justice, Downeast Restorative Harvest, Washington County, Machias, Washington County Jail
COVID-19 News and Updates
Welcome, Erin Melanson
Are You Thinking of Giving to Healthy Acadia?