Meet Jocelyn Eaton, Human Resource and Operations Director

Please join us in welcoming Jocelyn Eaton to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Jocelyn Eaton joins us as Human Resource and Operations Director. Jocelyn studied Business Management at Eastern Maine Community College in Bangor and has 15 years of combined experience in customer service, management, and finance. She recently provided human resource and management support for our local public housing authorities, and for three  years worked closely with Acadia Community Associations MDI Meals on Wheels program. She enjoys volunteering at local animal shelters when time allows.

Jocelyn, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

The staff I met during interviews were so passionate about HA. All the people in my life (family, friends, acquaintances) that I mentioned Healthy Acadia to said what a wonderful organization and group of people to work with.

What inspires you most about Healthy Acadia's work?

I enjoy working with people, meeting people, and helping people, and saw the compassion organization wide that Healthy Acadia has to help and inspire our local communities by offering access and support in areas that need it most.

What inspires you on a personal level?

Enthusiastic and passionate people, my mom, professional athletes, and learning and trying challenging things.

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

I love so many places and things in Maine! My favorite place is probably Camden, I love the coastal quaint town and all it has to offer. I love visiting there in the winter when they have the ice sculptures in the park and everything is covered in snow, I love snow!

Jocelyn resides in Lamoine with her spouse and fur baby cat, Ada. She enjoys biking, pickleball, and cooking, and does some woodworking when she has the time. A bucket list item..."I would LOVE to visit Iceland, soonish!"

Contact Jocelyn by email at