COVID-19 News and Updates

Hello all,

Nina Duggan here with the latest COVID-19 news and updates. TThis week we discuss an upcoming event on Pediatric Vaccines and Fauci’s report on the 1 million deaths from COVID-19.

COVID Communication:

MeCAP Virtual Event: What to Expect for Pediatric Vaccines for 6 months - 5 years

On May 25th, from 5:30pm-6:30pm, the Maine Community Action Partnership will be hosting an online panel for a discussion on making an informed decision about getting your young children vaccinated against COVID-19.

The panel will include speakers such as the incoming president of the Maine AAP Dr. Laura Blaisdell, the director of Maine Families for Vaccines Caitlin Gilmet, professor of molecular biology at Husson University Dr. Elizabeth Marnik, and the executive director of the Aroostook County Action Program Jason Parent.

The panel is free to attend.

For more information and to register visit MeCAP’s event page.

COVID in the News:

State of COVID-19 in Maine

Maine is still experiencing high positivity rates, climbing case numbers, and increasing hospitalizations this week. Most counties in Maine are once again in the “red” for community transmission, and masking is being strongly encouraged or required.

Dr. Fauci: 1 million COVID Deaths and What’s Needed Going Forward

On May 12th Dr. Fauci addressed the state of the pandemic and the million deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic. Expressly clarifying that the pandemic is not over, and that we are in a crucial time to prevent the same amount of death and disease that we saw last winter, highlighting the importance of getting vaccinated and boosted during the spring and summer seasons. Additionally expressing the likelihood of needing a fourth shot in the fall months.

Going forward, Fauci pushed for vaccination as the number one effort followed by greater utilization and accessibility of treatments drugs for the virus (such as Paxlovid, which reduces likelihood of hospitalization by as much as 90%).

Fauci emphasized making sure that vulnerable populations do not get left behind in these efforts, highlighting the need to care for people who are immunocompromised, elderly, or otherwise at risk of severe disease.

With discussions of federal funding stalled, Dr. Fauci expressed the need for this funding to go through in order to provide the necessary vaccinations, treatments, and generalized aid to the American people.

To listen to the whole interview, visit PBS’s page here.

Featured in the Field:

Maine Families for Vaccines

Maine Families for Vaccines is a volunteer-led network that educates voters about public health, advocates for evidence-based public policy, and promotes immunization for healthier kids and communities.

You can visit their website here, as well as find them both on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks again everyone for checking in this week. Stay safe, and remember to take care of each other. ~ Nina

Nina Duggan is Healthy Acadia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project Coordinator. They share weekly updates about COVID-19 in the state of Maine and beyond, along with resources you may find useful on testing, vaccination, and best practices in preventative measures. 

Sign up here to receive Nina’s weekly updates via email.

Follow Healthy Acadia on TikTok (@healthyacadia) for more updates!

If you or anyone you know have questions or concerns about COVID-19 or the available vaccines please call or text our COVID-19 Peer Support Line at 207-271-6023, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.