Welcome, Veronica Tingley

Please join us in welcoming Veronica Tingley to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Veronica joins us as a recovery coach through our Maine Recovery Core internship program. Recovery Core Interns offer direct peer support and advocacy to improve recovery success among individuals facing substance use disorders. Veronica provides recovery coaching and recovery resource navigation in Washington County.

Veronica, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

A desire to gain experience in the Behavioral Health field.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work and your new role? 

I'm most inspired by the mission to empower individuals to manage their own life and disarm the influence of stigma.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

I feel it's important to help others when assistance is sought, and this is one way I can give to my community.

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

I most enjoy being home and outside with my dogs and farm animals because that is my own time to relax and enjoy whatever is happening. I also love to read, write, and draw.

Veronica is a Global Connect student and currently resides in Steuben.

Email Veronica at veronica.tingley@recoverycore.org.