Spring Seedling and Plant Sales

Gardeners delight: our community abounds with local seedling and perennial plant sales this spring! 

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association has put together this statewide map of organic vegetable seedling sales, which includes several farms and garden centers in Hancock and Washington Counties. Other farms selling vegetable seedlings this spring include Beech Hill Farm, Triple Chick Farm, and Four Season Farm. Many farms in our region sell high quality seedlings, so it’s worth checking in with the farm closest to you to see if this is something they offer.

For those looking to build or reinvent their perennial gardens, and give back to a local cause, this map from University of Maine Cooperative Extension organizes charity plant sales by region. In Hancock County, perennials can be found at the Cooperative Extension Spring Plant Sale in Ellsworth on May 21, Evergreen Garden Club of Deer Isle Plant Sale on May 21, Native Gardens of Blue Hill on May 28, and at the Blue Hill Public Library from May 30 to June 3. 

Looking for garden support and education? We recommend visiting your local Cooperative Extension website for practical, how-to garden solutions: www.extension.umaine.edu/gardening.

For more information on sourcing local seedlings and produce, email Rachel Emus (Hancock County) or Regina Grabrovac (Washington County).