Give to Healthy Acadia Your Way

Are you thinking of giving to Healthy Acadia? Giving takes many forms, and one way you can contribute to the success of important community health work is by inspiring loved ones, including the next generation, to be philanthropic. 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines philanthropy as “goodwill to fellow members of the human race,” especially an “active effort to promote human welfare.” One of the most generous contributions you can make to Healthy Acadia is to talk with friends and family, and especially the children and young adults in your lives, about how they want to be involved in philanthropy, and to share why you give in the ways that you do. Modeling and discussing your own giving to causes that you are passionate about is an incredibly impactful way to help our communities to thrive.

One Healthy Acadia donor -- who is just six years old! -- shared that she chose to give some of her allowance " support Healthy Acadia because I love what they do, and I wanted to help people be healthy and have good food."

We appreciate and honor this incredible donor’s heart and generosity and know that her giving at such a young age reflects values that she is learning from adults in her life. 

Philanthropy is something we can all be engaged in, regardless of financial means. Sometimes a gift of just a few dollars or a simple conversation brings energy to our work. We invite you to give to Healthy Acadia your way, and send our sincere thanks for your support and partnership! 

To make an online donation visit To discuss other ways to support Healthy Acadia to support the welfare of all community members across our region, please contact us at or by calling 667-7171.