Welcome, Paul St. Onge

Please join us in welcoming Paul St. Onge to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Paul joins us as a Maine Recovery Core Intern. Maine Recovery Core Interns offer direct peer support with the aim to improve recovery success among individuals facing substance use disorders. Paul is a CCAR-certified recovery coach, mental health first responder, and mandated reporter and provides recovery coaching and recovery supports in Piscataquis County.

Paul, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

Being in recovery and knowing how important it is to me and seeing how bad addiction is now in Maine, we need to try and help as many as we can.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work? 

The staff are great people and I wanted to be part of the team.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

My wife and my puppy!

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

I love playing with our puppy and spending time with my wife and my grandchildren. Just gotta keep on keeping on. Life span's a garden, dig it [my favorite Joe Dirt quote!]

Originally from Rockland, Paul resides in Milo with his family. Contact Paul by email.