Welcome, Christine Dentremont

Please join us in welcoming Christine Dentremont to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Christine joins our SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education Team and works to support food security across Hancock County. As a Maine SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator, Christine helps SNAP-eligible households gain knowledge and skills to eat healthily on a limited budget and provides coordination for nutrition education and obesity prevention initiatives in accordance with USDA SNAP-Ed guidelines.

The University of Maine's Hancock County Co-operative Extensions Eat Well program trained me as a volunteer to work with local food pantries. I have enjoyed engaging with patrons and volunteers at multiple pantries throughout the county including Loaves and Fishes in Ellsworth, over the past two years.

Christine, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

I have experienced firsthand how diet affects my well-being. There can be many challenges to accessing and preparing healthy food. The SNAP educator program will help me encourage and help others connect more easily to a wholesome diet.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work? 

We all want to have health and happiness. Healthy Acadia helps support the community to reach these basic human needs.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

A smile!

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

At the top of my favorite list currently is to cross-country ski in Acadia National Park during a snowy winter. During a warm summer, I enjoy swimming in the nearby lakes, ponds, and ocean.

Email Christine at christine.dentremont@healthyacadia.org.