Healthy Acadia

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Welcome, Carly Murphy

Please join us in welcoming Carly Murphy to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Carly joins us as a Maine Recovery Core Intern. Maine Recovery Core Interns offer direct peer support with the aim to improve recovery success among individuals facing substance use disorders. Carly provides recovery coaching and recovery supports in Penobscot County through Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness.

Originally from Southwest Harbor, Carly currently residents in Bangor. She holds a workforce certificate in substance use disorder and recovery and is currently working toward a duel degree in human services and public health.

Carly, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

What influenced me is being 10 years into my own recovery and wanting to give back to my community. I had always known I wanted to work in a human services field and doing the recovery coaching was a good way to make sure that was the correct field for me and really help me gain direction in life.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work? 

I’m inspired by the amount of effort the Healthy Acadia team is putting in to make sure we have healthy communities. As for my role with them, I really am impressed with the amount of training they provide and how they go above and beyond for the people who work for them. Its been an absolute pleasure to have an employer who cares about the emotional wellbeing of their employees. It’s very much like a family.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

What inspires me on a personal level is the other coaches. It’s amazing to see these people who once struggled with addiction take all those lessons they learned and trying to help others. Its inspiring to see that addiction is not the end of your life. It can be the beginning.

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

My favorite place in Maine is Higgins Beach in Scarborough. As a child, My grandmother took me there for a week every summer to stay in a cottage. It’s a sand salt water beach with big waves and it’s a lot of fun when you’re a kid used to rocky ocean beaches.

Carly previously served as a recovery coach through Healthy Acadia’s AmeriCorps RecoveryCorps program and we’re thrilled that she has continued this work through Maine Recovery Core.

Contact Carly by email.