Together We Can Build Hope and Health

Contributed by Sara Willett, Communications and Development Coordinator

September marks the last month of our fiscal year 2024 and with less than a month until the books close, your donation in any amount makes a huge difference. All gifts bring us closer to our fundraising goal for this fiscal year. 

An easy way to help us reach our goal is to support our Annual Fund, which ensures that we have the necessary resources to meet the most urgent health needs in our community promptly. When you contribute to our Annual Fund, you provide flexible, immediate-use dollars that allow us to respond swiftly to emerging health priorities.

While all gifts help us to serve our communities, we encourage unrestricted gifts and gifts designated to support any of our eight Focus Areas; they significantly further organizational sustainability. These focus areas include Strong Beginnings, Healthy Aging, Active and Healthy Environments, Healthy Food for All, Substance Prevention and Recovery, Health Promotion and Management, Basic Needs, and Health Equity (more info coming soon). These two types of gifts are especially helpful to our organizational success; they allow us to meet critical health needs and serve all across our region. 

To learn more and to make a donation, please visit