Tobacco Use and Vaping: The Benefits of Quitting, and Resources to Help

what happens when you quit smoking - timeline for health improvements

Smoking or using tobacco products is known to cause diseases like cancer and heart disease, but vaping, which is often seen as a safer alternative, has its own risks. Understanding these dangers and the benefits of quitting is an important step toward better health.

Tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive and harmful. Smoking can damage the lungs, increase the risk of lung cancer, and lead to heart disease and stroke. It also harms others through secondhand smoke, especially children.

Vaping, or using e-cigarettes, is sometimes marketed as safer than smoking, but it still carries serious risks. Like tobacco, e-cigarette liquids contain nicotine, which can harm brain development in teens and young adults. Vaping can also damage the lungs and has been linked to lung injuries and diseases. Some people who vape develop “popcorn lung,” a condition that damages the small airways in the lungs. Additionally, the long-term health effects of vaping are still not fully known, making it a risky habit.

The Benefits of Quitting Tobacco and Vaping

Quitting both tobacco and vaping brings immediate and long-term benefits. In just 20 minutes after quitting smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop. In a few weeks, your lung function improves, and it becomes easier to breathe. Over time, your risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke decreases. Quitting vaping can also help you avoid lung injuries, nicotine addiction, and other long-term risks.

Stopping these habits also improves your energy, sense of taste and smell, and saves money.

Get Support from the Maine QuitLink

Quitting tobacco and vaping can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. The Maine QuitLink provides free help for people looking to quit smoking, vaping, or using other tobacco products. The program offers advice from trained quit coaches, free nicotine replacement therapies (like patches or gum), and other resources.

Are you ready to quit? Click here or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW Get FREE support to build your own quit plan at or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.