Healthy Acadia

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The Power of Connection

The Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN) promotes resilience in all people by increasing the understanding of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the importance of building resilience through protective factors such as positive relationships and trauma-informed care. 

Nearly three-quarters of the United States population has experienced trauma due to an extreme event or series of events, such as bullying, abuse, neglect, natural disaster, or other situation that has overwhelmed our capacity to cope. Trauma causes emotional and physical harm that is long-lasting and may be severe.

According to the Maine Resilience Building Network, 20% of middle school youth and 18.5% of high school youth in Maine reported serious thoughts of suicide in 2021. Maine also ranks number one in the country for youth anxiety. 

Connectedness and a sense of mattering are some of the strongest protective factors we can offer all children. This is especially important for those needing extra support. The following infographic from MRBN offers tips for building more authentic connections with young people.

To explore additional community resilience resources and learning opportunities offered through MRBN, visit their website at