Healthy Acadia

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Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Center to Host Overdose Awareness Day Event

For Immediate Release Please

Release Date: August 16, 2024

Program Contact: Amber Kennedy, or (207) 412-2288

Media Contact: Tracey Carlson, or (207) 667-7171 Ext. 112 

Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Center to Host Overdose Awareness Day Event

ELLSWORTH, ME – More than 600 lives were lost to substance overdose in Maine in 2023, leaving a trail of grief and trauma that profoundly impacts our communities. In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Center in Ellsworth will host a remembrance event to honor those lives and support affected families and friends.

The event will take place on August 31, 2024, at INSPIRE Recovery Center, located at 24 Church Street, Ellsworth, beginning at 5 p.m. It will feature a candlelight vigil, and speeches from individuals impacted by overdose, including a mother from Glenburn who tragically lost both of her sons within a year. A moment of silence and a memory board for sharing images and memories of those lost will also be part of the event. 

Essential harm reduction materials, including Naloxone, Xylazine test strips, and Fentanyl Test Strips, will be available. Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a lifesaving opioid antagonist that temporarily reverses the effects of opioid overdoses until emergency services arrive. Naloxone is safe and poses no harm to those not experiencing an overdose, making it a vital tool in preventing overdose deaths.

In the days surrounding the event, a display of 607 silk roses will be set up on the fence at Knowlton Park in Ellsworth, symbolizing each life lost to overdose in Maine last year.

Healthy Acadia’s INSPIRE Recovery Center, located at 24 Church St. Ellsworth, is a dynamic community space for people in recovery to come together in a safe, fun, and comfortable place while connecting with others in the recovery community. The Center serves as a community hub for recovery meetings, coaching services, and complementary programs and services to support overall health and wellness.

Healthy Acadia is a 501(C)(3) community health organization building vibrant communities and making it easier for all people to lead healthy lives throughout Washington and Hancock counties. For more information about Healthy Acadia’s community health and wellness programs and services, visit
