Healthy Acadia

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Ellsworth Library and Healthy Acadia to Host Public Health Event on August 24

For Immediate Release Please

Date: July 29, 2024

Program Contact: Audra Stewart-Gordon, Healthy Acadia, or (207) 291-0937

Media Contact: Tracey Carlson, Healthy Acadia, or (207) 667-7171                                 

Ellsworth Library and Healthy Acadia to Host Public Health Event on August 24

ELLSWORTH, Maine – Healthy Acadia and Ellsworth Public Library are teaming up to offer a Public Health Afternoon, to connect community members with information and resources regarding CDC-recommended vaccinations, MaineCare enrollment guidelines, and other health-related concerns. The event will take place on Saturday, August 24, 2024, from noon to 2 p.m. at the Ellsworth Public Library, 20 State St., Ellsworth. This event is free and open to the public.

Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with Healthy Acadia Community Health Coordinator Audra Stewart-Gordon, who will address questions about vaccinations, MaineCare and the Unwinding process, and other health topics. Information from both local and national resources will be available to help answer attendees' questions.

Handouts on various public health concerns and a list of local resources will be provided for attendees to take home.

For more information, contact Audra Stewart-Gordon at or (207) 291-0937.

The Ellsworth Public Library, located on the banks of the Union River in downtown Ellsworth, is housed in the historic Federalist-style Tisdale House. Built in 1817 for Colonel Meltiah Jordan, the building has been a public library since 1897, following its donation by George Nixon Black. For more information, visit

Healthy Acadia is a nonprofit community health organization working to build vibrant communities and promote healthy living throughout Maine’s Washington and Hancock counties. For more information about Healthy Acadia’s initiatives, visit
