Calais IGA Joins Healthy Acadia in Project Sticker Shock

On December 30, 2021, Amy and Bob Craft, owners of Calais IGA, became the newest partners to join Healthy Acadia in Project Sticker Shock.

Sticker Shock is designed to reach adults who might purchase alcohol legally and provide it to minors. Healthy Acadia and business owners across Washington and Hancock counties are partnering to take action to prevent tragedy from happening in our towns. Bright orange stickers are adhered to multi-packs of alcoholic beverages to remind everyone of the risks of providing alcohol to minors. please contact Katie Sell at 263-5096 or

Project Sticker Shock is a community and statewide effort to raise public awareness about the risks of underage drinking and to strengthen the deterrent effect of the law against providing alcohol to minors. As part of the campaign, bright orange stickers warning about the penalties for furnishing alcohol to minors are affixed to multi-packs of beer and cases of other beverages containing alcohol that remind purchasers of the risk of purchasing or providing alcohol to anyone under age 21.

Healthy Acadia’s Katie Sell worked alongside the Crafts to affix the orange stickers to alcohol beverage cases in the store to remind purchasers that providing alcohol to minors is a crime.  Creating more awareness is important - according to our most recent survey data, one in four high school students in Washington County reported consuming alcohol in the 30 days before the survey.

Thank you, Calais IGA, for playing a vital part in our community and helping to prevent underage drinking in Washington County!

For more information about Project Sticker Shock or if you are a business owner that would like to participate in efforts to prevent underage drinking and substance use in our community, contact Mia Petrini in Hancock County or Katie Sell in Washington County.

POSTTracey CarlsonCE, SB, SPR