Early Childhood Consultation and Outreach

Early Childhood Consultation and Outreach (ECCO) is a unique and creative early childhood intervention program that identifies and helps to address the unmet needs of children ages 0-8 to support positive change and improved outcomes.

ECCO services can be provided in the school and childcare settings (for entire classrooms, groups of students, or individual students), as well as for families in the home setting, for a child, several children, or entire families.

In the school and childcare settings, services may include classroom consultations, individualized and/or group interventions and the early identification of children with or at risk for social, emotional and behavioral challenges.

In the family setting, services include consultations and action planning, including working with families to provide coaching and modeling around parenting or other challenges. These may include limit setting, structure and routines, the importance of play, and positive relationships for supporting a child’s healthy development.  

In all settings, the benefits of mindfulness techniques are explored, and mindfulness classes are also available to teachers, students and parents.

The Community Caring Collaborative  provides ECCO services in Washington County; Healthy Acadia, in partnership with Healthy Peninsula, offers services in Hancock County. ECCO in Hancock County is led by Ursula Hanson [link to email: ursula@healthyacadia.org], a skilled licensed clinical social worker with years of clinical experience supporting children and families. 

ECCO is a referral-based program and referral request forms can be accessed here.  

ECCO’s Impact

  • Adults who feel unable to meet the needs of a child or need support with difficult transitions for a child or children gain new insights, strategies and skills.

  • Families who experience difficulties when trying to set limits, boundaries, or create routines with their child or children become more effective and positive.

  • Individuals who find that children in their care struggle with too much energy, impulsivity, difficulty following rules, or effectively communicating their needs or wants gain improved outcomes.

  • Adults increase their understanding and skills to more effectively respond to typical and atypical child development (social, emotional, cognitive, motor, sensory, etc.).

  • Teachers or child care providers who are challenged by a child’s behavior that is affecting other children and keeping the child from being successful in their learning environment report improvements that change the classroom environment.

Referrals to ECCO

Any professional working closely with children, including: childcare providers, classroom teachers or principals, case workers, or others, can make an ECCO referral.  Parents may also self-refer. 

Learn more

In Hancock County:

Ursula Hanson, LCSW, Healthy Acadia: 

Cell: 207-939-5993

Healthy Acadia: 207-667-7171

Email: Ursula@HealthyAcadia.org.

In Washington County:

Julie Redding, LCPC, Community Caring Collaborative:

Phone: 207-214-8434

Email: juliereddinglcpc@gmail.com