On Wednesday, October 4, join Elizabeth Neptune from noon to 1:30 p.m. for “Cultural Humility: Coffee Time,” which will offer a uniquely tailored look into cultural humility from an indigenous perspective. This event will be open to all people via Zoom and will have an in-person option for employees of The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor. The Zoom link for public participation is https://jacksonlab.zoom.us/j/86396921475?pwd=RTVNdGlEZHhmZU5EWWZkdnRDVzZKUT09&from=addon.
RSVP is strongly encouraged, though not required, for these free events. To register for one or more of the INDIGENOUS 2023 experiences, CLICK HERE.
These events are offered free of charge, and donations are greatly appreciated to make this work possible. To donate online go to bit.ly/indigenous2023.