You Don't Have to Recover Alone

Seeking recovery from substance use can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Healthy Acadia offers free and confidential recovery support services to help you navigate your recovery journey. Our Recovery Coaches will support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain recovery or support those affected by addiction. A Recovery Coach can be a valuable ally in your journey, offering guidance, support, and resources to help you achieve your goals.

What is a Recovery Coach?
A Recovery Coach is dedicated to removing obstacles in your path to recovery, helping you navigate the systems and resources that will support your treatment, wellness, and overall recovery. They’re not therapists or addiction specialists, but they’re committed to walking beside you every step of the way.

How Can a Recovery Coach Help?

  • Resource Identification: Recovery Coaches help connect you with the right resources—whether it's support groups, treatment programs, or wellness initiatives—that align with your personal recovery path.

  • Building Support Networks: They assist in building a community of support around you, creating systems that empower and sustain your recovery journey.

  • Respect for Your Unique Path: Recovery Coaches honor all pathways to recovery.

You don’t have to recover alone.

Click here to request to connect with a Recovery Coach. Services are free and confidential.