Healthy Acadia

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Tobacco Quit Resources for Those Who Work With Youth

Healthy Acadia’s Tobacco Use Prevention Team offers FREE training tailored for staff at youth-serving organizations. If you work with teens in non-clinical settings like after-school activities, guidance counseling, or health classes, this is for you!

Learn how to make referrals for Maine youth ages 13-17 to the My Life My QuitTM program, a free and confidential tobacco treatment service. Gain confidence in the services offered and understand the impact of nicotine on the developing adolescent brain.

Join us for a virtual training session this spring or summer to feel empowered in supporting teens to quit vaping or using other tobacco products.

The My Life, My QuitTM program is the only comprehensive quitline program tailored to youth ages 13-17, with live and online resources for quitting vaping, e-cigarettes, and other tobacco.  My Life, My QuitTM is always free and confidential.  To enroll, call/text 1-855-891-9989 or enroll online.

The secular program through National Jewish Health provides quit coaching through phone, chat, and texted-based sessions with a tobacco treatment specialist.  The program supports youth who use combustible, smokeless, and electronic products.

Contact Mia ( in Hancock County or Darrean ( in Washington County to sign up! We'll work around your busy schedule to find the perfect time. Don't miss out!