Healthy Acadia

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Self-Assessment Tool for Alcohol Use Risk

According to data gathered by Maine’s State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW), high-risk alcohol use patterns, alcohol-related injuries and deaths, and alcohol consumption in general have increased significantly since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic., a free and confidential online self-assessment tool, can help people determine if their drinking may be harming their health.

“Alcohol and [the] COVID-19 Pandemic in Maine and the Nation” a snapshot prepared by the Maine SEOW, reports that 667 Maine residents died as a result of an alcohol-related cause in 2021 compared to 372 deaths in 2016. Young Mainers aged 18-24 years have some of the highest rates of binge drinking in the nation, with 27 percent reporting binge drinking in the preceding 30 days in 2020. There were 4,625 alcohol licenses in the state in 2021 which represented a 19 percent increase from 2019. In 2021, 2,701 alcohol-related calls were placed to Emergency Medical Services, accounting for 94.5 of every 10,000 calls. offers a free self-assessment tool that can can help people learn more about their drinking patterns and safe consumption guidelines, determine if their drinking may be harming their health, and find resources to reduce their risk. In addition to the self-assessment tool, the website offers tips for cutting back, signs and symptoms of alcohol use disorder, resources and treatment options, and information on who should moderate their intake or abstain, including those with certain medical conditions or those taking certain medications.

We invite you to join us in advancing efforts to reduce risky alcohol consumption in our community by sharing information about If you are concerned about your drinking, please reach out to your health care provider.