Healthy Acadia

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Community Food Security Workshop Draws Crowd

For Immediate Release

Release Date: November 20, 2023

Program Contact: Lucie Nolden, or (207)-667-7171

Media Contact: Tracey Carlson, or (207)-667-7171 Ext. 112

Community Food Security Workshop Draws Crowd

Ellsworth, ME. On Thursday, November 9, 2023, more than 50 community members gathered at Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Ellsworth for a half-day workshop offered by the Hancock County Food Security Network focused on building connections and capacity to address food insecurity in our region.

The workshop commenced with updates on federal food policy from Christina Valar Breen, Regional Representative for Hancock, Waldo, and Knox counties from Senator Angus King’s office, and a presentation on Feeding America’s data collection tool, Service Insights on MealConnect (SIMC), by Good Shepherd Food Bank’s Research Associate Jada Wensman. SIMC will help food pantries in Maine learn more about the needs of the people they serve, making it easier to measure their impact, allocate resources, and successfully advocate for people experiencing hunger. 

An hour long panel discussion on local, state, and federal benefit services preceded lunch with seven panelists representing ten programs, including Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), School Meals, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Furry Friends Food Bank, the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Hunters for the Hungry, Maine Senior Farmshare, Friends in Action, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LiHEAP), and Downeast Community Partners Transportation Services. Panelists shared information on how their programs help support community members experiencing food insecurity and what they wish more people knew about their services. 

Workshop participants fostered connections over a lunch catered by Flexit Café in Ellsworth. The room was buzzing with conversation as folks representing over 25 food security organizations from more than 20 different towns got the chance to share resources and create new partnerships to support their work. After lunch, Dr. Vicki Rusbult from Eastern Maine Development Corporation and Matt Donahue from Heart of Maine United Way wrapped up the day with a final presentation on best practices for grant writing and fundraising. Their presentation was full of helpful tips and tricks for securing funds to support food security work. 

“It was all around a great opportunity to acquire much needed info!” shared one participant on their way out. "Beyond the resources and tools that were shared today, I think people were able to walk away having made connections that will strengthen our network of food security providers,” Lucie Nolden, who serves with Healthy Acadia through AmeriCorps Food for All VISTA, in partnership with Hunger Free America and helped to organize the event. “Everyone who came seemed really eager to learn from one another and to share their own experiences from their work towards a common mission: ending hunger and food insecurity in Maine."

Those interested in receiving the resources shared at the workshop are encouraged to reach out to Lucie at This workshop was made possible in part through the generous support of the Lindsay Trust. For questions or feedback about the event, or to learn how you can support the Hancock County Food Security Network, please contact or call (207) 667-7171. 

Healthy Acadia is a 501(C)(3) community health organization building vibrant communities and making it easier for everyone to lead healthy lives. They serve Washington and Hancock

counties, and provide additional community health support and leadership across Maine. For more information about Healthy Acadia’s community health initiatives, visit
