Healthy Acadia

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January Energy Boosters

Guest post contributed by Mandy Kalin, Maine SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Well, we made it through the holiday season, and now we’re on the other side. Although the days are getting longer, a lot of us may still be revisiting our less-than-healthy holiday habits, right?

We may have let our food choices slide, not kept up with healthy physical activities, and now find ourselves feeling a little bit like a bowl of mashed potatoes….FEAR NOT! There are ways that we can bring our minds and bodies back over to the “lite” side (see what I did there? 😉)

Since a lot of us here in New England have a hard time getting our mojo going during our long winter, and that makes it harder to stay healthy, I’m sharing a couple of things that will boost energy and get us moving (in easy-to-implement ways). Often, when we’re tired, we forget that the best thing to get us moving is EXERCISE.

The first link will give quick and easy ways to stretch out our stiffness, making it simpler for us to move our bodies – and remember – “a body in motion stays in motion.” To be active, we need to move!

The second link is to a sweet treat that is actually pretty energizing. These little dynamos pack a lot of nutrition into bite-sized pieces and require no cooking. Easy-peasy for busy folks, and easy to share with friends and co-workers. One or two of these snacks go a long way to keep you satisfied!


Healthy Snack: ENERGY BALLS

Are you looking for ways to stretch your food budget and create healthy and delicious meals at home? Our SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educators can help you gain the skills and confidence to create meals your family will love while also making the most of your time and budget.

Healthy Acadia’s Maine SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educators offer year-round cooking and nutrition classes in partnership with schools and organizations throughout Hancock and Washington counties. To learn more or schedule a class, contact Mandy or Shannon in Washington County, and Isi or Abby in Hancock County.