Flavors Don't Belong in Tobacco Products

The time to make your voice heard is NOW!

On Friday, May 7, 2021, the Maine Legislature will hold a public hearing on LD 1550: An Act to End the Sale of All Flavored Tobacco in Maine.

Maine cares about our kids. Action is needed now on this important legislation to prevent another generation from becoming addicted to tobacco products. It’s time to end the sale of flavored tobacco and tobacco products, including menthol, mint and candy.

Flavors aren’t for adults - flavors hook Maine kids. Youth and young adults are much more susceptible to nicotine addiction, and four out of five kids who have used tobacco started with a flavored product.

You can lend your voice in supporting LD 1550 by signing the letter to lawmakers and being involved in the Public Hearing for this bill on Friday, May 7, 2021, at 9 a.m.

Two Important Ways You Can Take Action and Support LD 1550:

Add your name to a community letter to local lawmakers, calling for an end to the sale of all flavored tobacco products. Click here to add your name to this letter.

Testify at the public hearing, sharing how smoking, vaping, or chewing menthol or other flavored tobacco products has impacted you, your family and your community. There are two ways to participate:

Share Your Voice Live: Live/Zoom - Three-minute public testimony, Friday, May 7, 2021, at 9 a.m.

Share Your Written Testimony: A written testimony that can be uploaded at a time that is convenient for you if you are unable to attend the hearing on May 7.

If you want to testify at the public hearing, either in live via Zoom or in writing, click here for help with next steps.

If you have questions or would like more information, email Teresa Kelly-Gillis.

POSTTracey CarlsonCE, SPR