Healthy Acadia

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Welcome, Angela Samperi

Please join us in welcoming Angela Samperi to the Healthy Acadia team! 

Angela joins us as a recovery coach through our Maine Recovery Core internship program. Recovery Core Interns offer direct peer support and advocacy to improve recovery success among individuals facing substance use disorders. Angela provides recovery coaching and recovery resource navigation in Franklin County.

Angela, what prompted you to join the Healthy Acadia team?

I began attending MERN meetings over zoom in October of 2023 as a way to get my foot in the door, after months of interacting with others and building resources, I was invited to apply to Healthy Acadia, I was so excited I finally changed my life around and was on the path to helping others.

What most inspires you about Healthy Acadia's work and your new role? 

I come from a childhood surrounded by active addiction, and then fell into my own addictions at a young age. Over the years it was hard to feel alone while wanting to ask for help but not wanting to be judged or shamed. Its been so refreshing to see that there is a variety of help out there, I also greatly respect the work being done for those of us in recovery wanting to help others. This internship is giving me an educational experience, work experience, and the opportunity to support others in their journey.

What most inspires you on a personal level?

My kids. I lost my first child to abuse, I was hurt so badly I miscarried and I continued to spiral. When I found out I was pregnant with my eldest son a year later, I swore I would change my life. My second son came just 17 months later and I knew the only way to go from here was up. I never wanted them to have the same life I did, or the childhood trauma, I wanted them to know a sober mom, a kind mom, a confident mom. They now see me work hard, go to college, help others and they don't remember who I was when I was in active addiction thankfully. They motivate me to want to be better every day and continue the path I've chosen.

What is your favorite thing to do, or place to be, in Maine, and why?

I love the beaches, be it lake or ocean. I love the peace it brings me. Water and mountains tend to remind me how very small I am in this world and it is humbling. I like to hike the trails in Maine, especially ones that lead to a body of water I can get into.

Angela is working toward a degree in Human Services with a focus in Substance Abuse and Mental Health. She resides in Livermore Falls, where she runs a small clothing closet out of her home, and donates food and resources to others. In her spare time, Angela enjoys painting and nature photography, and is a self-dscribed plant fanatic. “I love my kids, my family, and my sushi girl (she's a turtle).”

Email Angela.