Healthy Acadia

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Welcome, 2022 Gateway to Opportunity (G2O) Team

The G20 Team, clockwise from left: Ayla Zanoni, Ellie Claverie (Project Lead), Landen Farrell (Team Leader), Cora Sanchez, Naomi Ayerman, and Drew Bladen (in front).

Please join us in welcoming the 2022 G2O (Gateway to Opportunity) Team!

Healthy Acadia is thrilled to partner with Maine Youth Action Network (MYAN) for the second consecutive year, to serve as a Gateway for Opportunity (G2O) host site. Gateway to Opportunity (G2O) is a six-week, paid summer workforce program that seeks to directly connect young people between the ages of 16-18 to meaningful summer employment opportunities in Maine. Youth are paired with a “host site” - a local business, organization, or government agency - to work on a team to design a community project that centers youth voice. G2O creates a unique and dynamic work environment that provides authentic pathways for young people to develop their career skills, gain valuable work experience and boost their professional connections as they prepare for their future career.

Throughout the program, participating youth will develop real-world career connections, build their job experience and develop their own career skills while working within their local host sites. G2O also invites youth participants to interactive weekly career workshops that provide the tools and resources to navigate the complex and ever-evolving workforce. Participants will walk away with tailored training and coaching on topics such as financial literacy, resume writing, interview skills, and college readiness. 

G20 youth are paired with a G2O Team Leader, who alongside a range of host site staff members and professionals, supports the G2O team and youth members as they build and implement their summer project.

Healthy Acadia’s G2O team for 2022 includes Naomi Ayerman, Drew Bladen, Ellie Claverie (Project Lead), Landen Farrell (Team Leader), Cora Sanchez, and Ayla Zanoni. They are focusing their efforts on strengthening and supporting the vision, logistics, programming, and implementation of DownEast Teen Leadership Camp (DETLC). The team’s tasks include interviewing workshop presenters, recreating family group sessions, designing opening and closing ceremonies, and exploring ways that DETLC can help support campers’ self-esteem, mental health, and connections to peers.

We are beyond excited to see all that these youth will accomplish this summer - stay tuned!

For more information about DownEast Teen Camp, go to or contact Sara McConnell at For information about Healthy Acadia’s youth engagement programs and activities, visit or contact Corrie Hunkler at