Healthy Acadia

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Think Spring: Use SNAP for Seeds and Seedlings

Happy Spring! This time of year, many gardeners are drawing up their garden plans, starting seeds, and dreaming of home-grown vegetables. Growing vegetables at home is the most cost-effective way to have a steady supply of super fresh and tasty produce all summer long! 

This year, remember that your SNAP benefits can be used to purchase seeds or food-producing plants, like vegetable seedlings. You can purchase seeds or food-producing plants from any store or farmer’s market that accepts SNAP! 

If you need some help getting “started”, check out this seed starting resource from University of Maine Cooperative Extension:  Starting Seeds at Home.

For more great recipes to feed a family healthy food on a budget, check out or reach out to your local SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator.

SNAP-Ed educators at Healthy Acadia offer year-round cooking and nutrition classes in partnership with schools and organizations throughout Hancock and Washington counties. To learn more or schedule a class, contact Kirsten in Washington County, or Nicole or Despe in Hancock County.