Healthy Acadia

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Free Workshop Will Explore Exercises for Pain Relief, Physical Performance, and Overall Wellness

For Immediate Release Please

November 8, 2023

Program Contact: Ursula Hanson,

Media Contact: Tracey Carlson, or (207) 667-7171 Ext. 112 

Free Workshop Will Explore Exercises for Pain Relief, Physical Performance, and Overall Wellness

Community members are invited to join Healthy Acadia on Thursday, December 7, 2023, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., via Zoom for, "NeuroMuscular Balancing for Performance, Pain Relief, and Wellness - Key Exercises," with special guest Josh Warren. The free online event is the latest installment in Healthy Acadia’s Monthly Mindfulness series.

Josh Warren is currently the only certified Integrated Positional Therapy Practitioner in the state of Maine. This fully-clothed, gentle modality involves a postural assessment and holistically addresses a host of issues including and not limited to neck, shoulder, back, knee, and hip pain.

Warren will share fundamental exercises for everyday optimal wellness. Four essential stretches and two key strengtheners can help balance the pelvis and the body to improve performance, alleviate pain, and enhance everyday wellness.

For more information and/or to receive a complimentary NeuroMuscular Balancing 11-page E-manual feel free to email:

Pre-registration is required for this free event. Participants are asked to bring writing materials to the workshop. To register and receive the Zoom link, go to

Josh Warren, M.S., LMT, PTR, 500 Hour Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Certified Integrated Positional Therapist, holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science concentrating in Sport Psychology from Ithaca College. Josh founded to share his passion for and approach to empowered optimal living. He lived with low back pain for over seven years and tried numerous therapies and nothing was working. After finding a simple practice to start bringing the body into alignment, the pain quickly resolved.

For additional information about this and future mindfulness events in the series or additional programs focused on building skills that promote mindful living, contact Ursula Hanson at 

Healthy Acadia is a 501(C)(3) community health organization building vibrant communities and making it easier for everyone to lead healthy lives. They serve Washington and Hancock counties and provide additional community health support and leadership across Maine. For more information about Healthy Acadia’s community health initiatives, visit
