Healthy Acadia

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Got a P-EBT card in the mail? Spend it at the farmers’ market to earn extra bucks!

This month, many parents are receiving a surprise in the mail from Maine DHHS: P-EBT cards that may be loaded with $100 or more in federally-funded benefits, available to parents of school-age kids eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. 

You can spend your P-EBT benefits at any one of the many farmers’ markets in Downeast Maine that accept SNAP/EBT, including markets in Bar Harbor, Ellsworth, Blue Hill, and Bucksport. Find another market or farmstand close to you here

Shopping at the farmers’ market is a great family activity, plus, for every $2 of EBT you spend, you’ll earn $1 in Maine Harvest Bucks vouchers to buy more fruits and vegetables!

Visiting the farmers’ market is a fun way to get your kids excited about vegetables and local food, while supporting local farmers, who are the backbone of our economy — we couldn’t survive without them!

Visit the SNAP Info booth at your local farmers’ market to learn how to use your EBT benefits at the market. Some vendors accept WIC, plus income-eligible seniors can also sign up to receive $50 worth of fruits and vegetables at the Bar Harbor Eden Farmers Market. Local food doesn’t have to break the bank!