Healthy Acadia

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Empowering Young People Through Peer Recovery Coaching: Free, Five-Day Course for Prospective Recovery Coaches

Recovery is often described as a journey, and one of the most powerful aspects of that journey is the sense of connection and support that can come from others who have walked a similar path. For young people, navigating the challenges of recovery can feel particularly isolating. Peer recovery coaching is a powerful tool that brings community and guidance to those seeking a fresh start.

Healthy Acadia’s Maine Alliance for Recovery Coaching offers a free, five-day course for young adults interested in supporting other young people on their recovery journey. The next session of Recovery Coach Academy for Young People will be held December 2-6, 2024. Classes will meet virtually via Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day.  This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide and mentor others through their own recovery process.

Developed by CCAR (Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery), Recovery Coach Academy for Young People enhances the skills of young individuals supporting one another on their recovery journey. This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide and mentor others through their own recovery process and is open to everyone - people in recovery, family members, friends, and allies. Much like the journey of recovery, this training offers a transformational experience.

Registration is open and free to Maine residents only. Pre-registration is required by no later than November 15, 2024. Click here to register.

Spots are limited and will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The course includes a workbook and upon full course completion, 30 CEU’s/Certificate of attendance issued by CCAR.

Peer recovery coaching has proven to be an effective and compassionate approach to supporting individuals in recovery. Unlike traditional treatment models that may rely heavily on clinicians and structured programs, peer recovery coaching centers on lived experience and shared understanding. Coaches don’t act as counselors or medical professionals but rather as mentors and guides who help individuals build recovery capital—those internal and external resources that foster long-term wellness and resilience.

For young people, peer recovery coaches provide a relatable figure—someone who has faced similar challenges, understands their unique struggles, and can help them navigate the ups and downs of recovery. This shared experience fosters trust, reduces stigma, and provides hope, making it more likely that young people will stay engaged with their recovery journey.

What sets peer recovery coaching apart is the deeply personal and transformational nature of the relationship between coach and coachee. Through this connection, recovery becomes not just about sobriety but about rebuilding and reimagining a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. Coaches encourage their peers to set goals, find purpose, and tap into their strengths, all while walking beside them on this often challenging but rewarding path.

The training itself offers a similar transformation. Participants gain new perspectives, develop critical skills, and build the confidence needed to support others effectively. Whether you are in recovery yourself, a family member of someone in recovery, or an ally, this course offers a chance to become a positive force in the recovery community.

Registration is open and free to Maine residents only. Pre-registration is required by no later than November 15, 2024. Click here to register.

For more information contact please Terri Woodruff at or Denise Black at