Healthy Acadia

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Dismissed: Tackling the Biases that Undermine Our Healthcare

On Thursday, October 3, 2024, Jesup Memorial Library, located at 34 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor, will host a community discussion with nationally recognized physician and author Angela W. Marshall, MD, around her book, “Dismissed: Tackling the Biases that Undermine Our Healthcare,” and explore ways we can empower patients and providers to ensure better care for all.

Angela Marshall, MD is the author of Dismissed: Tackling the Biases That Undermine Our Healthcare. A nationally recognized expert in women’s healthcare, she is a board-certified internist, a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and the founder of Comprehensive Women’s Health, a primary-care practice for women in the Washington, DC area. Dr. Marshall is also the immediate past chair of the board of directors for Black Women's Health Imperative, the oldest national nonprofit aimed at achieving health equity for Black women around the globe.

Dr. Marshall’s talk will begin at 6:30 p.m.; arrive early for an author’s reception beginning 6 p.m. Attendees will have a chance to settle in and chat with Dr. Marshall. Refreshments and light snacks will be served.

YWCA MDI and MDI Hospital are proud to present this event in conjunction with Jesup Memorial Library, Northern Light Health, Healthy Acadia, MDI Racial Equity Working Group, Juneteenth Downeast, Bar Harbor Congregational Church, Sherman's Maine Coast Bookshop, and Greater Bangor Area Branch NAACP.

This hybrid presentation will take place in person and online. Pre-registration is required. Healthcare providers who attend in person can receive CMEs. Register now at