Healthy Acadia

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Creating Smoke-Free Spaces - Eden Farm

Ron and Deb Hodge, owners of Eden Farm in Whiting, are excited to reinforce the importance of smoke-free spaces.

Eden Farm of Whiting, Maine, has just created and enacted a smoke free policy. Owners Ron and Deb Hodge connected with Healthy Acadia’s Katie Sell for guidance, which enabled them to take advantage of mini-grant funds and free signage currently available to businesses, organizations, and schools when creating a model policy. 

Eden Farm is a small business that grows and sells microgreens. Throughout the summer months, the Hodges maintain a busy schedule, harvesting and selling their fresh produce at local and regional craft, artisan, and other outdoor fairs and community events. They are very excited to reinforce the importance of smoke free areas, and will be placing their "smoke free area" signs at their vendor tables for every event.

Is your business, school, or organization interested in developing a smoke-free policy, or updating a current policy? Healthy Acadia offers resources, including mini-grants to help.

Healthy Acadia’s substance prevention team can provide assistance with policy development, training for staff, free signage, AND mini-grant opportunities to help you adopt and implement model policies for your facility, staff, and patrons. We have model policy templates for businesses, youth-serving entities such as child care/ facilities and libraries, health facilities, including hospitals, vet clinics, behavior health, eye, and dental clinics, municipalities, apartment buildings/multi-unit housing, public spaces, and more. Learn more here.

Healthy Acadia’s tobacco prevention initiatives are funded by Maine CDC, DHHS, Maine Prevention Services and MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence (CTI). CTI provides education and training on evidence-based tobacco treatment to healthcare and behavioral health professionals in Maine on behalf of the Maine CDC, DHHS.