Healthy Acadia

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2024 Gleaning Efforts Result in Bountiful Harvest and Hope for the Future

In 2024, Healthy Acadia’s Downeast Gleaning Initiative once again made a significant impact in Hancock and Washington counties, helping to address the region’s persistent food insecurity. Thanks to the dedicated support of local farms, community organizations, and a passionate network of volunteers, we continued to make strides in delivering fresh, nutritious food to those who need it most. As the initiative enters its twelfth year, the 2024 season stands out as a remarkable success, with renewed hope for the 2025 season and beyond.

In 2024, the Gleaning Initiative distributed a total of 34,130 pounds of fresh, locally grown produce to 42 food security organizations, ensuring over 182,000 servings of nutritious food were available to those facing food insecurity. The produce collected came from a range of 33 partner farms, gardens, and businesses, showing the power of community collaboration.

A few highlights from the 2024 harvest season

  • Washington County’s bounty: Volunteers helped cultivate and distribute 3,660 pounds of produce from the Downeast Restorative Harvest community-corrections farm to local food pantries, WIC clients, and the Machias-area Community Supper. Additionally, students at Washington Academy contributed 1,500 pounds of produce to their food pantry and school cafeteria, further strengthening the local food system.

  • A fruitful harvest of wild blueberries: Two Washington County farms generously contributed 5,300 pounds of wild blueberries, which were distributed to 23 food security programs across both counties. This highly nutritious crop plays a vital role in providing accessible, healthy food to families in need.

  • In Hancock County, we worked with 13 farms and market partners to glean 15,977 pounds of food.

  • Bushels and bushels of fresh apples. A special mention goes to Johnston's Apple Orchard, where 50 volunteers from 18 organizations came together to collect 7,065 pounds of apples in one of our most successful annual apple gleans yet. These apples reached 26 different food security partners throughout the county, bringing fresh fruit to tables that otherwise might not have had access.

The Role of Volunteers: Making a Difference Together

Volunteers are the backbone of the Downeast Gleaning Initiative. In 2024, 63 community members gave their time and energy to collect surplus produce from farms and gardens. Their efforts ensured that food that would have otherwise gone to waste was instead redirected to feed families and individuals in need. From students to retirees, everyone plays a part in this vital work.

Without the commitment of these volunteers, many food pantries and community meal programs would not have access to such a diverse range of fresh, healthy produce. Gleaning is more than just picking crops—it’s about building connections, strengthening community bonds, and making sure that no one goes hungry.

Addressing Food Insecurity: A Growing Concern

Washington and Hancock counties continue to experience high rates of food insecurity. According to Feeding America, one in four children in Washington County and one in six children in Hancock County are food insecure, meaning they don't always have enough food to eat or access to nutritious food for an active, healthy life. The Gleaning Initiative plays a critical role in addressing this need, but the challenge is growing.

As food prices continue to rise and economic pressures increase, the demand for fresh, healthy food at food pantries and community organizations is greater than ever. Our goal is to ensure that every person in our region has access to the nutrients they need to thrive, and we cannot do this work alone.

Looking Ahead: 2025 and Beyond

As we plan for the 2025 season, we remain hopeful and excited about the future of the Downeast Gleaning Initiative. We aim to expand our partnerships with local farms and community organizations, increase volunteer participation, and reach even more people in need. But we need your help to make this vision a reality.

If you're interested in joining our Gleaning Team, there are many ways to get involved. Whether you can give an hour or a day, your time will make a difference in helping to fight food insecurity in our communities. We invite you to get in touch with Healthy Acadia to learn more about volunteering and help us make the 2025 season our most successful yet.

Together, we can ensure that no food goes to waste and that every family has access to the fresh, healthy produce they deserve. Let’s continue this important work and make a lasting impact in Downeast Maine.

Want to volunteer with our Gleaning Team? Click here!